Postal Address
salvador.martinez AT
I am an Associate Professor at IMT Atlantique (École nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire), France. Previously I was a postdoctoral Researcher at the CEA-LIST LISE laboratory in collaboration with the SOM research group at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, working on the integration of security concerns on the artefacts of the model-driven environment. Formerly, I worked as assistant professor in the École des Mines de Nantes (France). I obtained my Ph.D on the reverse engineering of security policies in 2014 from the École des Mines de Nantes (France). I have a research expertise in core Model-Driven Engineering technologies such as the efficient execution of model transformations as well as in Software Evolution with a focus on Security concerns (concretely, in access-control policies). I have been involved in the European OPEES (ITEA) and MONDO (FP7) projects.
My research interests are mainly centered on solving Software Engineering problems, concretely Reverse Engineering, Software Evolution and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) problems, with a focus on Security concerns (concretely, in access-control policies).
I've been responsible for teaching (TD, TP, CM) several subjects related with software engineering. The general topics of my teaching activities are: programming (mostly Java), databases, model-driven engineering and software quality. See Teaching for more details.
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